Today I did a task from the SLJ called Setting Sail. I did this task because it was the first one that I could see so I just picked it. This activity was about 10 food items we would take if we were Setting Sail. The thing that I liked about this activity was that it was about food. The thing that I found interesting about that activity was that got to really think about what foods I'm tacking. I hope you like my work. Don't forget comment if you have any thought on what I can improve on.
Wednesday, 18 December 2019
Day 1 Activity 1 Setting Sail
Kia Ora Everyone,
Today I did a task from the SLJ called Setting Sail. I did this task because it was the first one that I could see so I just picked it. This activity was about 10 food items we would take if we were Setting Sail. The thing that I liked about this activity was that it was about food. The thing that I found interesting about that activity was that got to really think about what foods I'm tacking. I hope you like my work. Don't forget comment if you have any thought on what I can improve on.
Today I did a task from the SLJ called Setting Sail. I did this task because it was the first one that I could see so I just picked it. This activity was about 10 food items we would take if we were Setting Sail. The thing that I liked about this activity was that it was about food. The thing that I found interesting about that activity was that got to really think about what foods I'm tacking. I hope you like my work. Don't forget comment if you have any thought on what I can improve on.
Sunday, 15 December 2019
Day 1 Activity 2 Exploring our Roots
Kia Ora Everyone,
Today I did an activity called Exploring our Roots From SLJ. The thing that I liked about this was that I can share what culture I'm from and who I am was other people. The thing that I Found interesting about this task was that i looked in my Maori book for the first time in ages to find out what my pepeha was. Here is my work.
Today I did an activity called Exploring our Roots From SLJ. The thing that I liked about this was that I can share what culture I'm from and who I am was other people. The thing that I Found interesting about this task was that i looked in my Maori book for the first time in ages to find out what my pepeha was. Here is my work.
Saturday, 14 December 2019
Day 2 Activity 2 Equal Pay for Equal Work?
Kia Ora Everyone,
Today I did a activity from The Summer Learning Journey(SLJ). It was called Equal Pay for Equal Work? It was really fun because I got to share my thoughts about how I think it's unfair that the Black Ferns get paid less then what the All Blacks get paid. What I liked about this activity was that I got to share my thoughts on something. There wasn't really anything I didn't like about it except that it was a writing activity but that's just me. What I found interesting about this activity was that it was something that I had never spoken about. Here is my work.
Friday, 13 December 2019
Day 1 Activity 1 Lordes Profile
Kia Ora Everyone,
Today I did an activity SLJ Teaser Week it was the Lorde's Profile activity. I was really bored then I rememdered about SLJ. The thing that I liked about this activity was that I got to do some research. The thing that I didn't like about this activity was that I had to search up about Lorde. The thing that was interesting about this activity was that I learned all this cool stuff about Lorde. At the defferint places I looked at the answer wasn't always the same so I just had to go with what sounded right.
Hear is my work.
Today I did an activity SLJ Teaser Week it was the Lorde's Profile activity. I was really bored then I rememdered about SLJ. The thing that I liked about this activity was that I got to do some research. The thing that I didn't like about this activity was that I had to search up about Lorde. The thing that was interesting about this activity was that I learned all this cool stuff about Lorde. At the defferint places I looked at the answer wasn't always the same so I just had to go with what sounded right.
Hear is my work.
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
Christmas Decorations
Kia ora,
This week we have been asked to make decorations for christmas trees.
We are going to be selling them tomorrow ( Whanau evening on Thursday 28th November). We are selling the decorations to fundraise money for the years 5&6 Ski trip 2020. At this very moment we are still making decorations to get ready for tomorrow.
We are making these for people to buy,
We my have used polystyrene and paper towel rolls.
Our teacher Mrs B spent $120 for our decorations and some things were free from the schools. Some of us used different glues such as glue guns or glue sticks but what I think worked the most was the glue gun.
What I liked about this activity was the art because art in general I love
What I disliked about this activity was that the power shut off right when Saphera and I were using the glue gun.
First we made a wreath and then I tried making a snowflake but that was when the power cut out so then I couldn't use the hot glue gun to make my snowflake.
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
Spelling practice List 6 & 7 Term 4 Week 6
Hello everyone,
Today we did spelling practice on our Chromebooks. We got ten words from lists 8, 7 and 6. Then, we did the syllables a sentence and the root word. The thing that I liked about it was that all the lists where really easy to find good words from. The thing that I didn't like was that there where three spelling list to do. I didn't get fully done but I did my best. Here is my work.
Today we did spelling practice on our Chromebooks. We got ten words from lists 8, 7 and 6. Then, we did the syllables a sentence and the root word. The thing that I liked about it was that all the lists where really easy to find good words from. The thing that I didn't like was that there where three spelling list to do. I didn't get fully done but I did my best. Here is my work.
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Magaret Peters spelling test
Kia ora everyone
Today, we sat the Margaret Peters Spelling Test. I scored 35 which gives me a spelling age of 9.8 At the beginning of the year, I scored 38 and had a spelling age of 11.0. So, My spelling age went backwards by 1.2 spelling years.
I think I got this result because I was in a rushed mood and I was very tired this morning.
Monday, 4 November 2019
Hot Air Survival
Kia Ora,
Last week we were doing science. We were using yeast, sugar and a balloon to try and get off an island. Then we poured 3 teaspoon of sugar, 3 teaspoons of yeast and then we poured hot water to a certain level and then put the ballon onto the nosel of the bottle.The thing that I liked about this task was the experiment. The thing that I didn't like about this task was that you had to write a creative writing. The learning behind this activity was how to get off a deserted island when your handed these few items. I hope you enjoy my presentation.
Last week we were doing science. We were using yeast, sugar and a balloon to try and get off an island. Then we poured 3 teaspoon of sugar, 3 teaspoons of yeast and then we poured hot water to a certain level and then put the ballon onto the nosel of the bottle.The thing that I liked about this task was the experiment. The thing that I didn't like about this task was that you had to write a creative writing. The learning behind this activity was how to get off a deserted island when your handed these few items. I hope you enjoy my presentation.
Friday, 13 September 2019
Science fair
Kia ora everyone
Yesterday we had a science fair. My science group's project was mixing malt vinegar into deffrent food products. The thing that was easy about it was setting the science fair up. The thing that was hard about was was coming up with a project. Here is a picture of our science display and a link to our science fair project. Science fair
Yesterday we had a science fair. My science group's project was mixing malt vinegar into deffrent food products. The thing that was easy about it was setting the science fair up. The thing that was hard about was was coming up with a project. Here is a picture of our science display and a link to our science fair project. Science fair
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
Comparison Matrix
This week, we are learning about the ways writers describe good characters in their stories. We had to read several texts and then create a Comparison Matrix to show how the Clothing, Personalities and Physical Appearance of the good characters were similar. The hard part was:looking for the personality. The easy part was: looking for the clothes.
This week, we are learning about the ways writers describe good characters in their stories. We had to read several texts and then create a Comparison Matrix to show how the Clothing, Personalities and Physical Appearance of the good characters were similar. The hard part was:looking for the personality. The easy part was: looking for the clothes.
Friday, 30 August 2019
Understanding the three laws of motion
Hello everyone
Today I am going to share with you a DLO I made about Understanding the three laws of Motion. We had to read a text and then pluck out the important ideas and set them out clearly on a new DLO. The learning behind this was: Understanding the three laws of Motion.What was hard: It’s hard to find the main ideas. What was easy: puting in the lines of writing.
Today I am going to share with you a DLO I made about Understanding the three laws of Motion. We had to read a text and then pluck out the important ideas and set them out clearly on a new DLO. The learning behind this was: Understanding the three laws of Motion.What was hard: It’s hard to find the main ideas. What was easy: puting in the lines of writing.
Thursday, 29 August 2019
Understanding the two kinds of Motion
Hello everyone
Today I am going to share with you a DLO I made about Understanding the two kinds of Motion. We had to read a text and then pluck out the important ideas and set them out clearly on a new DLO. The learning behind this was: Understanding the two kinds of Motion. What was hard: It’s hard to find the main ideas. What was easy: Finding pictures to suit the words.
Today I am going to share with you a DLO I made about Understanding the two kinds of Motion. We had to read a text and then pluck out the important ideas and set them out clearly on a new DLO. The learning behind this was: Understanding the two kinds of Motion. What was hard: It’s hard to find the main ideas. What was easy: Finding pictures to suit the words.
What is a Force?
Hello everyone
Today I am going to share with you a DLO I made about what is a Force. We had to read a text and then pluck out the important ideas and set them out clearly on a new DLO. The learning behind this was: What a Force is Be able to identify important ideas What was hard: It’s hard to find the main ideas What was easy: Finding pictures to suit the words.
Today I am going to share with you a DLO I made about what is a Force. We had to read a text and then pluck out the important ideas and set them out clearly on a new DLO. The learning behind this was: What a Force is Be able to identify important ideas What was hard: It’s hard to find the main ideas What was easy: Finding pictures to suit the words.
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Force and Motion
Hello everybody
Today I am going to share with you a DLO I made about Forces and motion. We had to read a text and then pluck out the important ideas and set them out clearly on a new DLO. The learning behind this was: Learn more about forces Be able to identify important ideas What was hard: It’s hard to find the main ideas What was easy: Finding pictures to suit the words.
Today I am going to share with you a DLO I made about Forces and motion. We had to read a text and then pluck out the important ideas and set them out clearly on a new DLO. The learning behind this was: Learn more about forces Be able to identify important ideas What was hard: It’s hard to find the main ideas What was easy: Finding pictures to suit the words.
Friday, 9 August 2019
Poetry NO 3 Rhythm
Learn:1. That rhythm is a main clue that a piece of writing
might be poetry.
might be poetry.
2. What rhythm is.
Friday, 2 August 2019
Poetry Lesson No 2 What is rhyme?
Hi, today in our ppoetry lessonwe learned what rhyme is and how rhyme works. We learnt about how thing rhyme and how to identify rhymes in poems.
1: That rhyme is a main ‘clue’ that a piece of writing might be poetry.
2: What rhyme is.
Monday, 8 July 2019
My Ingiry
Kia ora everybody.For the last three weeks I've been working on an Inquiry slide that answers my Inquiry question. My Inquiry question was how do black holes form. The thing that I liked about it was that it was really fun because I got to research about Black holes and find some interesting facts about Black holes. The thing that I didn't like about it was that it took forever to make and that most of it was just researching about what the key words mean. Two interesting facts that I found about Black holes was that If you fell into a Black hole, theory has long suggested that gravity would stretch you out like spaghetti the other fact was that Black holes have a force around them that sucks up everything around it. So here is my work.
Friday, 21 June 2019
Kia Ora my fellow blogger
Today I did a blog post about autumn leaves with one of my teachers Mrs Fletcher.
We went outside to go and look at the yellow and brown leaves. Then we went inside and and started writing. The thing that I liked about the leaf writing was that I got to go outside and have fun in the leaves. The thing that I didn't like about the leaf writing was that it was hard to find out what I was going to do like if I was going to do a poem or a normal writing about autumn leaves. The thing that I found interesting about the leaf writing was that I got to look at all of the golden leaves and see all of the words that describe autumn leaves. So here is my work.
Today I did a blog post about autumn leaves with one of my teachers Mrs Fletcher.
We went outside to go and look at the yellow and brown leaves. Then we went inside and and started writing. The thing that I liked about the leaf writing was that I got to go outside and have fun in the leaves. The thing that I didn't like about the leaf writing was that it was hard to find out what I was going to do like if I was going to do a poem or a normal writing about autumn leaves. The thing that I found interesting about the leaf writing was that I got to look at all of the golden leaves and see all of the words that describe autumn leaves. So here is my work.
Thursday, 13 June 2019
My Earthquake PMI.
Kia ora, my fello commenters
Today I did a P M I and an information report about earthquakes. A P M I explains what I liked about, what I didn't like about it and what I found interesting about it.
An earthquake is when the crust of the earth shakes really strongly. They are caused by the mantle moving the crust. The mantle moves tectonic plates on the crust apart and together. Sometimes when plates touch each other they get stuck for a while. But the mantle keeps moving and eventually a weak part of a plate cracks and the plates break apart suddenly. Earthquakes can do a lot of damage by breaking roads and houses. When the earthquake breaks a building it can fall on people so make sure that you're under a table when you're having an earthquake.
Today I did a P M I and an information report about earthquakes. A P M I explains what I liked about, what I didn't like about it and what I found interesting about it.
An earthquake is when the crust of the earth shakes really strongly. They are caused by the mantle moving the crust. The mantle moves tectonic plates on the crust apart and together. Sometimes when plates touch each other they get stuck for a while. But the mantle keeps moving and eventually a weak part of a plate cracks and the plates break apart suddenly. Earthquakes can do a lot of damage by breaking roads and houses. When the earthquake breaks a building it can fall on people so make sure that you're under a table when you're having an earthquake.
Friday, 10 May 2019
Is the Earth like a hard-boiled egg?
Kia ora
We are learning about what the Earth is like on the outside and the inside. We used hard-boiled eggs as mini-models for the earth. We got to design our own continents and islands on the outside of the egg shell. At the end of the experiment we got to eat the egg!
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
The Structure of the Earth Facts
Structure of the Earth Facts
We are learning about the structure of the Earth.
I learnt that the Earth is made up of 4 layers. They are: Crust Mantle Outer Inner.
Facts about each layer:
Crust -The Crust is made up of soil and rock. It is 8 to 40kms thick.
Mantle - The Mantle is really hot and is squishy liqud. It is the thickest layer.
Outer Core - The Outer Core is even hotter and is runny to. It is 4000-6000*C.
Inner Core - The Inner Core is even hotter then the Outer Core and the mantle and is rock solid
because of all the pressure from the other layers.
because of all the pressure from the other layers.
Our group -
First we created a 3D image of the earth using clay.
We then cut the shape in half to show the
different layers. After waiting for it to dry, we
Below are some pictures of our work.
Thursday, 2 May 2019
halving shapes
Hello my fello commenters
We have been learning about halving shapes.
The reason behind this task was to find halves of tricky shapes.
The thing I found hard was that not all the shapes were even on both sides.
Something that helped me was using the squares in the background.
We have been learning about halving shapes.
The reason behind this task was to find halves of tricky shapes.
The thing I found hard was that not all the shapes were even on both sides.
Something that helped me was using the squares in the background.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
Mixed Ability Maths
Hello fellow bloggers,
This term we have been doing mixed ability maths.
I feel good about mixed-ability maths.
The thing that I have enjoyed about mixed-ability maths was all of the work is really easy.
The thing that I found difficult about mixed ability maths was that my group was hard to communicate with because they keep on drawing pictures that has nothing to do with our work on our work.
I would change my group to change my negitive thinking
I can ask the teacher to do it.
This term we have been doing mixed ability maths.
I feel good about mixed-ability maths.
The thing that I have enjoyed about mixed-ability maths was all of the work is really easy.
The thing that I found difficult about mixed ability maths was that my group was hard to communicate with because they keep on drawing pictures that has nothing to do with our work on our work.
I would change my group to change my negitive thinking
I can ask the teacher to do it.
Thursday, 21 March 2019
A cat is a life form because...
We have been learning how to write a fishbone diagram and also doing research about The living world so our teachers gave us this writing task. we learned what a fishbone diagram is and how to use a completed one to make our own using a life form of our own choice. We had to organise the fact boxes by using MRS GREN witch is an acronym which reminds you about what life forms do. Here is mine. I chose to write about a cat. The thing that I liked about it is that you could do eyerything. The thing that was easy was that I know everything about cats. So here is my writing.
Thursday, 31 January 2019
Fruit Art
Kia Ora Fellow Bloggers. We are all doing some 'All about me' activities. I chose Fruit Art. In this activity we had to create ourselves using our favorite fruit and veg. Finding some of the Maori words was quite hard for me. Choosing what things to use for myself was pretty easy. I used the arrange tool to make some of my body parts go to front or back. This is mine:
Ka Kite Ano!
Ka Kite Ano!
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